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Records/Transcript Requests

Parents or guardians of students who need records sent to other schools as part of the admissions process must request records via email.

Please include the following in your email request:

  • Student's Name and current grade level
  • Names of each school to which the student is applying
  • Transcript/Records Release Forms signed by parent/guardian for each school the student is applying 

Before sending records, there must be no financial obligation. Please allow at least 3 business days for records to be sent. 

  • Electronic Teacher Recommendations: Email directly to the teacher.
  • Electronic Administrative Recommendations: Email to
  • Paper Copy Recommendations: MUST be turned in to the office. Do not hand these directly to the teachers. The Director of Education will pass out forms to teachers with directions. Any student who brings a recommendation form to a teacher will be directed to bring them to the office. 






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