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Parent Volunteers

Are you interested in volunteering at Grace? We would love to have you join us! Please fill out the form below for us to gather information on your availability and other important information. 

We look forward to working with you!

Volunteer Interest Form
  • Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Grace! Please take a moment to fill out our Volunteer Interest Form.  

    Please know:

    • Some volunteer positions may require parents obtain a background check (potentially reimbursable) 
    • Filling out this form does not be you are signing up for the volunteer spot.
    • When you sign up to volunteer, we expect parents to follow through and be accountable. (Last minute cancellations and no-shows put a major strain on operations. 
    • 'Parent' volunteer positions are not limited to parents. Any guardian may sign-up. 
    • All positions will require training. 
  • Ice Cream Fridays: Volunteers are needed Friday morning until lunch time. Duties would consist of  collecting orders from classroom, counting money, filling and delivering orders. 

  • Pizza Fridays: Deliver pizza orders to classrooms. Sell pizza in the snack bar to Middle School students.  Volunteers are needed late-morning through lunch. 

  • Chick Fil A/Panda Express: Organize, prepare materials, fulfill orders, and deliver to classrooms. Volunteers are needed late-morning through lunch. Panda Express is on Tuesday and Chick-Fil-A is on Thursday.  

  • Crosswalk/Parking Lot Patrol: Shifts are for arrival and/or dismissal. Volunteers would help students walk across the crosswalks and be a presence in the parking lot, being proactive and reminding parents and students to use the crosswalk and park in designated parking spots. 

  • Lunch Order Coordinator: This position is for one designated volunteer and must be able to consistently fulfill its duties. The duty is potentially 1-2 days a month. Duties consist of collecting order forms, counting money, balancing accounts, and placing orders. This position would require training and vetting.  Remember,  the volunteer would be committing to this position.

  • Lunch and/or Recess Duty: Volunteers could choose which day(s) and the area(s) they would like to work. Lunch duty consists of being in the classroom or Mezz to assist in supervising lunchtime. Recess duty consist is being with students during recess and ensuring all students are following the playground rules. 

  • Please list other areas you would be interested in volunteering/helping out the school. (example: Office work, library, ect.)